First Time TPR Mum and Co-Founder of Gimme Store Lydia Kirkland On What Beauty Means To Her

Becoming a first-time mum is undoubtedly a transformational experience, your body is going through exceptional changes, both expected and unexpected, as it performs a miracle, creating new life inside of you.

Ahead of Mother’s Day this year we sat down with long-term client and entrepreneur Lydia Kirkland (one of the co-founders of cult online accessories destination GIMME Store) to share with us some of the skin and beauty insights she’s picked up as a first-time mum, how her perception of beauty has changed since the arrival Eddie and the friendly reminder she has for those when it comes to managing their skin throughout pregnancy.

Interview with Lydia Kirkland

What does beauty mean to you?

By definition, beauty is ‘a combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight’. However, right now, as a new-ish mum, beauty really isn’t about me and my appearance. To me, beauty is in the precious and ever so fleeting moments with my son Eddie. Hearing his goofy, gummy giggle after he knocks down a tower of blocks I’ve just built, feeling his little hand grasp onto mine as he eagerly attempts to walk by himself, and watching his little eyes stare back into mine as I feed him before bed each night – that, for me, is beauty.

How do you think this has changed since becoming a first time mum? 

Well, look, I became time poor (ha!). I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss my perfectly manicured nails (by Amy, of course), my regularly waxed brows, my boujee, squeezy facials, expensive skincare, fresh fake tans and a bit of Bo, but being a mum forces you to simplify things. It also makes those treatments a little more special! For now, a morning shower, a layer of tinted moisturiser, a dab of concealer and some mascara is just enough to get me by.

Did you find your skin changed during pregnancy? If so, how did you manage it?

I had the odd spot here and there, but overall I was pretty lucky with my skin during pregnancy.

What piece of advice would you share for those going through pregnancy for the first time when it comes to their skin?

I don’t have anything overly insightful to offer, but when you’re feeling crap, please remind yourself that you’re growing a tiny little human inside of you right now and that is mindbogglingly amazing. Is it sucking the life out of you? Yes. Will it all be worth it in a few short months? Also yes.

To date, what does your current skincare routine look like? Any favourite products or treatments?

I’ve also just been an uncomplicated cleanse and moisturise gal. My all-time fave moisturiser is the Dr Spiller Collagen Crème. It feels like it gives my skin a nice big drink! Over the past couple of years, I’ve added in the Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair serum and I’m hooked. I’ve also got a trusty bottle of Jojoba oil which I apply if my skin is feeling a little dry. I do keep seeing meme’s about 90s kids now need retinol, but I haven’t quite deep dived down that route (yet). Although, it’s probably time...

And your go-to beauty look? 

Most days I go for two layers of the Ultra Violette Dream Screen, concealer and mascara. I try to get outside with Eddie a lot so I feel like I’m set for the day with SPF 50. For a more ’done’ look, I add Estee Lauder Double Wear foundation over the tint, a MAC Studio Fix powder to set it and a swipe bronzer high on my cheek bones and some blush. I have a brilliant Zoeva eyeshadow palette and I use the dark down as an eyeliner and add the orangey-browns on my lids. For special occasions, I tend to just build on this! I’m a one trick pony. Read: not that clever when it comes to fancy makeup looks.

Lastly, when it comes to all things skin and beauty, have you recently discovered any mum life hacks that you can share with us?

A trusty tinted moisturiser (with SPF) is a no brainer. It look me ages to find one that didn’t make me look like I’d face planted a muddy puddle. Secondly, dry shampoo. More specifically, Klorane from the chemist. Both products are easy to whack on just before you run out the door and make you feel semi together (even when you’re not!)

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