Jackie O, on Motherhood & Business

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In this journal edition, we got to chat with Jackie 0, radio presenter on The Kyle & Jackie O Show, Co-founder of Besties, and mum to her daughter, Kitty. Jackie reflects on her journey through motherhood and the evolving role of parenthood, which transforms her from protector and teacher into her child's best friend.

What do you love the most about being a mum?

Becoming a mum changes you forever, the selfless love you have for that little human is incomparable. Your heart hurts and loves in ways it never has before - you’d do anything for them. As my daughter, Kitty, grows up (she’s 13 now) I feel like my role is starting to shift a little from her protector and teacher to her best friend. And gosh we have some great adventures now. I’m forever grateful and so proud to be her mum.

What has been the hardest period of motherhood for you and how did you deal with it?

Every stage of motherhood comes with its own challenges and blessings (and I swear we’re hard-wired to forget those hard times once each stage is over!). The newborn trenches are really something magical and torturous at the same time. And when I think back to returning to work with a young baby - those moments of sleep deprivation come flooding right back! The guilt you feel balancing work with motherhood during those early days is unforgiving and you never feel like you’re getting either of them right.

These days looking out for a teenager’s wellbeing brings a whole other aspect of worry, with mental health, friendships, physical changes and social media. I’ve read so much about psychology recently, because I just want to make sure my daughter is equipped with all the skills to deal with what life throws at you during those teenage years. I honestly don’t know how we get through it all, but it’s definitely a reminder of how resilient we are as women.

How do you, as both a mother and a business owner, manage to maintain a healthy balance between your personal and professional life? Any advice you can share?

It took me a while, but I’ve learned to make very clear boundaries, and even more importantly, to communicate them unashamedly. We live in a 24/7 world now and it’s so important that we all switch off sometimes. It allows us to recover and reset so that we can give our best again. An exhausted mum/radio presenter/business owner/friend is no good to anyone who needs me. I have a wonderful team around me and am very lucky that Kitty’s Dad and I co-parent well. He’s a great support to our daughter too.

Has your approach to business changed since having kids?

Kitty gives me the drive to do better and be better. Everything I do is for her future now. I really try and compartmentalise – when I’m at home I’m mum as a priority, and when I’m at work I’m giving my everything there. There are always those times where things happen all at the same time and life gets messy and crazy, but I think realising we can’t be perfect is important. And lean on your village to get through those days!

How will you be celebrating Mother’s Day this year?

With my daughter of course! We might try and see a musical or just go for dinner. Time with her is the most valuable way I could celebrate.

Who are the women in your life that inspire you?

My best friend and business partner, Gemma, is the most amazing hands-on mum of two boys and she manages to run several businesses. She juggles everything with such graciousness and kindness. And of course, my own beautiful mum!

The Parlour Room