Looking to Remove Your Eyelash Extensions at Home? Please Don't!

Most beauty treatments can be done at home, however, removing your eyelash extensions is not one of them. Removing eyelash extensions can be tricky at the best of times. Even experts steer clear of doing it themselves. 

While we’re sure there is plenty of good advice out there and thorough step-by-step guides to remove your eyelash extensions at home, here at The Parlour Room, we strongly advise against it. 

If you want to remove your eyelash extensions, we recommend you see a professional or wait for them to naturally fall out over time.

Eyelash technicians are highly trained individuals and know what they’re doing. They use different techniques to remove extensions based on the individual and how their lashes are looking.

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From the obvious potential damage to your lash line and the use of materials like glue remover so close to your eyes, doing it your self is risky business. 

Eyelash extensions are applied by individually gluing the hair to your natural lashes. They’re stuck together with strong adhesive-like glue, so if you start to pick them out or scrub them off, you run the risk of pulling out your natural lashes as well. Leaving your lash line exposed. 

Considering our eyelashes are there to protect our eyes, if you’re not working in a clean environment, or using unsanitised tools, whether its tweezers or glue remover - if anything went wrong or got in your eyes, you could cause some serious, long-term damage.

If you are, however, still sitting at home, desperately wanting to remove your eyelashes, what we can recommend, is applying eye cream each night.

This and the use of oils can speed up the process of lashes naturally falling out and potentially shortening the wait time between your appointment.

Please though, do not remove your eyelash extensions at home.